Lisa's Summer Reads Blog Tour 2014- Kay Kauffman

Summer Reads Blog Tour - Week Eight
Kay Kauffman

Reblogged from This summer she's hosting a fantastic summer reads blog tour, where authors get to share their favourite reads! So you might just find your next favourite book. She's also hosting a fab giveaway with some awesome prizes, so enter to win (link at the bottom of the post).

Tick tock, tick tock, it's week eight in our Summer Reads Blog Tour and I've come to welcome Kay Kauffman to our madness! Kay is another lovely online friend from Authonomy who I've been chatting with now for a number of years. She's fun, has a gentle spirit that I simply adore, and will be the first to gather her popcorn bucket when Sam and I start our online battles!  Let's hear it up for Kay!

As a girl, I dreamed of being swept off my feet by my one true love. At the age of 24, it finally happened…and he’s never let me forget it.  A mild-mannered secretary by day and a determined word-wrangler by night, I battle the twin evils of distraction and procrastination in order to write fantastical tales of wuv…twue wuv…with a few bad haiku thrown in for good measure.

I reside in the midst of an Iowa corn field with my hopelessly devoted husband and his mighty red pen; four crazy, cute kids; and an assortment of adorable kitties, chicks, and bunnies.
My first novel, The Price of Mercy: Book One of the Lokana Chronicles, is currently undergoing a major rewrite in advance of another round of queries.  My poetry collection, Tuesday Daydreams: A Journal in Verse, is available on Amazon.
Capturing the life and imagination of the author in vivid detail, these poems touch on joy and loss, life’s everyday hassles, and the many faces of Mother Nature.
Author Links:

Kay's bookshelf: summer-reads-blog-2014

The Amulet of Kings
4 of 5 stars
In the first book of the series, we meet the goodies (Chris and Linda, Ben and Grizelda, Fungus and the Banned), the baddies (Ned and the Watches, the Grey Mage, Caer Surdin), and an assortment of other characters (the Edern, the Tuatha,...
Kindar's Cure
4 of 5 stars
This was a fantastic story. Mal was, for me, a bit hard to read, and I felt at the end that…well, not to give anything away, but I felt he must have been a wonderful actor. I loved Sir Henry – he reminded me strongly of Seymour. And...
Bad Bishop
5 of 5 stars
So, what did I think? I thought it was great. It reminded me very strongly of the classic literature that I love so much. I didn’t put everything together until the very end, which I always enjoy. It’s nice to be kept guessing. And ...
City of the Sun
5 of 5 stars
Once I started this story, I couldn’t put it down. Well, okay, I could, obviously, or it wouldn’t have taken me so long to finish it, but when I wasn’t reading, I was thinking about it. Mickey and Maya wouldn’t leave me alone; they dem...
Chasing Azrael
5 of 5 stars
I could not put this book down. I stayed up past the witching hour reading this book on more than one occasion and was sorely tempted to just read the whole thing in one sitting, but my day job had other ideas (apparently they like thei...

Investigations, Investigations, Investigations (Part 1)


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